Procare Elite

For High to Very High Risk

Pressure Injury Prevention Solution for Post-Acute Care — Gentler, softer pressure relief and skin moisture control for hypersensitive individuals.

Over 11% of NH residents develop PI. 50% are partial skin loss, pink wounds (S/C II), but can quickly deteriorate, requiring hospital readmission and 12 hospitalization days. Residents with PI are 41% less likely to be discharged and 39% more likely to be deceased during their stay.1-3

NH residents often develop moisture-related skin damage (from prolonged exposure to feces and urine) within 13 days after admission. 39% worsens into PI after 2 weeks. Lack of staff, resources, and PI-related training and knowledge significantly complicates patient care, leading to high PI risks.4, 5

Procare Elite simplifies pressure injury prevention for hypersensitive patients by using softer, more gentle, firm presses to optimize pressure relief without damaging the skin and mattress surface ventilation to maintain proper skin moisture conditions. Ideal for postoperative and post-acute care.

Procare Elite: Comprehensive Pressure Injury Prevention and Comfort System

  • Suitable for patients with high to very high risk for pressure ulcers
  • Ventilated low air loss for patients’ upmost comfort
  • Cell-on-Cell bladder to avoid bottoming out
  • Unique heel relief function for comprehensive care for patients
  • The design of five different modes of treatment fulfilling various patients' needs

Five therapy modes allows caregivers to customize settings to meet a range of patient requirements, making it a powerful and adaptable choice for pressure injury prevention and advanced patient comfort.

The micro low air loss design effectively control heat and moisture at the skin interface. This cooling effect reduces the likelihood of skin maceration and creates a dry, comfortable environment that supports long-term skin health.

Designed for added safety, the cell-on-cell bladder structure prevents the patient from bottoming out, even in the event of a power outage. The layered design of the bladders offers stability and support, ensuring consistent comfort and protection without compromising on durability.

Procare Elite’s targeted heel relief function addresses the needs of the heels, which are especially prone to pressure injuries. This feature provides adjustable support specifically for the heel area, reducing pressure and enhancing circulation to one of the body’s most sensitive regions.

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